*Reading Requirements, Projects, & Quizzes*

Soldier's Heart (word cloud sites):


Read and React:  Are parents ruining their kids?

Click this link: http://growingleaders.com/blog/how-adults-are-stealing-ambition-from-kids/
Read the article carefully.  Be ready to list some of your thoughts/reactions on paper or on the computer.
Site for making vocabulary posters (much like the motivational posters): http://bighugelabs.com/motivator.php
Reminder: to print the poster, hit "DOWNLOAD" after creating the poster; then choose options to print
First, find a picture that best relates to your term.  Second, include the part of speech.  Third, include a definition that ALL eighth graders can understand.  You may have to describe the picture a bit to convey what you're actually trying to show or mean.  ((Note: it might take you three or four tries, but the site will eventually create your poster.  You might need to avoid using bitmaps as your picture format.)
Poisonous/Venomous Snakes: 
List facts on
a Word document relating to poisonous/venomous snakes.  Think about answering questions such as "Where?", "How?", "Why?", "What?", "When?", and "Where?". You will need approximately nine facts for an "A", eight for a "B", seven for a "C", and six for a "D".  I will use the class average for my grading scale, so you may want more than nine to be safe. You must use your own words as much as possible to receive credit.  You must use at least three sources and give some credit to your sources by copying and pasting the web site address.  Make sure that you use complete sentences.

We will do the first one in class as an example.  It will count as one fact.

Use at least one of these sites for at least four of your facts:
There is a ton of information on the site below.  I don't think you need to use the user number nor the password.  What a site--for free!!
User: ??? Password: ???

not recommended at this time:
 Password: 12345 



Read this amazing story.  Then, use COMPLETE SENTENCES to answer who, what, when, where, why, and how.  You will need two sentences for each question word (total of 12 sentences). (Don't forget capitalization and punctuation, please.)


Hey, if you think my Lit class stinks, just be glad that you didn't have to spend time in Andersonville.  Hit your link and do some research:
     1  http://www.nps.gov/ande/ (National Park Service--use links on left side to find your information--I suggest hitting the "History & Culture" link and browsing around)
     2  http://www.cr.nps.gov/seac/andecon.htm (Conditions at Andersonville)
     3  http://www.cr.nps.gov/seac/histback.htm (Historical Background of Andersonville)
     4  http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/Wirz/Wirz.htm (The Trial of Captain Henry Wirz)
     5  http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USACWandersonville.htm (History of Andersonville)
     6   http://www.crimelibrary.com/notorious_murders/classics/andersonville/1.html (The Crime!)
     7  http://www.nps.gov/nr/twhp/wwwlps/lessons/11andersonville/11andersonville.htm (A wide variety)
     8  http://www.civilwaralbum.com/misc/andersonville.htm (National Historic Site...Page 7 has pictures of the shebangs)
     9  http://www.civilwarhome.com/andersonville.htm (History of Andersonville)

Directions:  Work with your partner(s) to create a short summary (use pictures, too, if you wish).  Put it on a word document.  Save it to the T: drive in the folder named "Andersonville" inside the "Mr. Cantine" folder  Use all of your first names to name the file.  I will grade you on your effort only.  I won't tell you the length of it.  YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO COPY AND PASTE ANY TEXT, but you may copy and paste pictures.
     ***Extra Time???**** http://www.itd.nps.gov/cwss/andSearchp.cfm (
find out if a distant relative spent time in Andersonville)  

Racism Paper

Soldier's Heart...a variety of teacher and student resources...good stuff!
National Murder Mysteries
Explain what happened and where the case currently stands. You may want to use the six questions words (who, what, when, where, why, and how) to help you write your summary (at least one solid paragraph).

Laci Peterson   http://www.nndb.com/people/738/000023669/    OR    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0385940/plotsummary (husband found guilty of murder)

O.J. Simpson  http://www.cnn.com/US/OJ/ (former pro football player; guilty?))

Robert Blake  http://www.courttv.com/news/blake/background_ctv.html (Did he murder his wife?)

Jonbenet Ramsey  http://crimemagazine.com/jonbenet.htm (killer unknown)

Borden Sisters   http://crimemagazine.com/borden.htm (Were they guilty?)

Natalie Holloway  http://www.cdnn.info/news/travel/t050701.html (killer(s) unknown)

Rae Curruth http://www.courttv.com/trials/carruth/background.html (pro football player)

The first web site that I would encourage you to utilize is the South Dakota Library Network site. There are different data bases to meet the needs of K-12 students. 


InfoTrac is another excellent resource tool.

To access InfoTrac you will need the following bar code and password:

MS/HS Bar code: ????

Password is: ???

Proquest (offered to us through the State Library) is also excellent, but it is for upper grades. (That's us.)

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