Technology Tip, Trick, or Idea Day                                          NAME____________________________
***This is graded (50 daily points).

***Be prepared on Wednesday, May 1, to present your tip(s), trick(s), and/or idea(s).  Bring anything and everything that you will need to SHOW us what you mean.
***Talk to anybody or use for an idea or two…or even three.
***Introduce something that has not been covered this year.
***Must be LEGAL!
***Go for the “A” or the “B” grade, but if you cannot come up with anything unique, do a couple of your favorite shortcuts on Google, Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, or Excel for a “D” or “F” grade. (An example for a “D” or “F” would be “Ctrl” + rolling the wheel changes your zoom view percentage or “Ctrl” + P brings up the print dialog box, while an example of an “A” grade would be showing us how to upload video to {Anything on troubleshooting would earn a good grade.}
***Must explain how your tip, trick, or idea helps others (even if it’s common sense)

***A few topic ideas: digital cameras, software programs, web sites that explain, teach something, or are useful,, podcasts, iPods, printers, the “guts” of a computer, apps on  a phone or iPad, etc.    


Be curious, be prepared...and have some fun!!