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noun-person, place, thing, idea

 Proper Noun- specific person, place, thing, idea

       ex.: Native American, Winter Olympics, English

common noun-any person, place, thing, idea

       ex.: board, cake, side (walk finishes all words)

 concrete nouns-name things you can see or touch (senses)

       ex.: dolphin, field, volleyball

abstract nouns-name ideas, qualities, or feelings that cannot be seen or touched

ex.: honesty, determination, history, slavery


 compound noun-made up of 2 or more words

     one word

       ex.: housekeeper, volleyball, showcase

     hyphenated (-)

       ex.: mother-in-law, runner-up, great-grandma

     more than one word

       ex.: ice cream, music box, dining room

 To form plural compound nouns:

one word-add –s to most words; add –es to x, ch, sh, and s endings

       ex.: headlights, churches, boxes

hyphenated and more than one word-make most important part of compound noun plural

ex.: runners-up, mothers-in-law, great-grandmas, maids of honor, music boxes


 possessive noun-names who or what owns or has something

       *can be common, proper, singular, plural

       ex.: Mr. Upton’s jokes are funny.


Forming Possessive Nouns

Nouns Rules Examples
most singular Add apostrophe and “s” (‘s)

cow—a cow’s hooves

bottle—bottle’s cap
singular ending in “s” Add apostrophe and “s” (‘s)

Marcus-Marcus’s helmet

Silas—Silas’s shirt
plural ending in “s” Add an apostrophe (‘)

animals—animals’ habits

books—books’ covers
plural not ending in “s” Add apostrophe and “s” (‘s)

women—women’s purses

people—people’s choices


contraction-two words combined
ex.: isn’t (is not)

      Mike’s here. (Mike is here.)

      We should’ve waited. (We should have waited.)

Type Example Meaning
Plural noun The girls play volleyball. more than one girl
Plural possessive noun The girls’ serve is good. the serve of the girls
Singular possessive noun I saw the girl’s spike. the spike of one girl
Contraction The girl’s the setter. The girl is the setter


collective noun-a group that is made up of individuals

       ex.: family, flock, team, class, crowd, jury, club, herd, audience, committee, orchestra

problem-agreement  problems             

       *Speak about group as a unit: Singular

       *Refer to individual members of group: Plural

       ex.: The crowd cheers the team.
              The crowd move to their favorite spots.
To check:
       If you can substitute “it”, the collective noun
       is singular.
       If you can substitute “they”, the c.n. is plural.
       ex.: The team (work, works) on its serve. Sub “It” and use “works.”



-a noun that is placed next to another noun to identify it or add info about it

       ex.: JP’s brother, Isaac, is tall.  (Lindquists)

              *Isaac-appositive (adds info)

 appositive phrase-group of words that includes an appositive

       ex.: Washington, our first president, was a great leader.
              *our first president-appositive phrase

*Most appositive phrases are set off with commas.

**If appositive is needed, don’t use commas.

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