Saint Lawrence School
Tuition for 2003-2004

Tuition for the 2003-2004 school year has been set at the following rates:
PRESCHOOL:  $30 registration fee and $46/month for two days of school per week or $56/month for three days of school per week (no cap or maximum cost)
GRADES 1-6: $550/year
With the exception of Preschool, there is a maximum cost or cap of $1,200.
One parent noted that it would cost more to send her child to piano lessons over the course of one year (if there were no cancellations) than it does to pay for a year of tuition at Saint Lawrence School.  As a teacher, I realize that  it is a sacrifice of every parent to pay for an education at Saint Lawrence.  Even if the cost was $100 per year, I see it as a tremendous sacrifice, and I want you, the parent, to understand how appreciative the faculty is for your generosity and all that you do to keep your school going! Thank you!